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Sharing a card among multiple processes

It is often desirable to be able to share a sound card among several processes running at the same time. This requires the ability to mix the sound outputs of those processes into a single stream, that is multiplexing. In order to achieve this with ALSA there are several different cases and techniques. The cases depend on whether the sound card/chipset supports hardware mixing or not, and whether the processes access the sound card/chipset via the ALSA library, a sound server or OSS emulation.

In the beginning, OSS often did not support sharing even if it was supported by the hardware. ALSA drivers, as a rule, will support sharing if the hardware supports it. The ALSA library supports sharing even if the hardware does not support it, but this requires some explicit configuration. For applications that use OSS, the aoss wrapper can make them use ALSA instead, which improves things. Finally applications that use sound servers like esound or aRTS, most sound servers perform software mixing and support ALSA output. The individual cases are:

The card supports hardware mixing

This is the best case. Most recent cards support hardware mixing, at least for output, and when they do they support it to up to a maximum number of streams that is so high that it is unlikely to be ever a problem. If you can, the simplest way to ensure sharing is to get a card that supports hardware mixing. Sound cards are cheap, often costing less than the time to implement workarounds.

The card does not support hardware mixing, but all processes accessing it run applications that use the ALSA library

In this case, it is fairly easy to create an ALSA library configuration file (see the .asoundrc section) that allows software mixing. This is achieved using the "dmix" (for output) and "dsnoop" (for input) plugins, and "asym" to tie them together. The plugins are described in the DmixPlugin, dsnoop and asym sections, and look for an example below.

Another way to do it is to use JACKPlugin and let JACK do the mixing.

The applications use a sound server to access the card

Sound servers were mainly created to premix multiple streams for OSS, where even cards that supported hardware mixing did not support multiplexing. If your system runs a sound servers like "esound" for GNOME or "aRTS" for KDE, set the sound server to use ALSA as its output, and applications to use the sound server. For KDE artsd problems see this page. Try running: artsdsp mpg123 mysong.mp3

The applications use the OSS API to access the card

Some applications cannot use ALSA or a sound server, but only the OSS API. In that case you can often make them use ALSA using the aoss wrapper. Also check the OssEmulation section. Also check carefully the description of non blocking options on this page at the official ALSA site.

Examples of ALSA lib configurations to use the software mixing plugins

Simple output only sharing example

pcm.dmix0 {
    type dmix
    ipc_key 673138
#   ipc_key_add_uid false   # let multiple users share
#   ipc_perm 0666           # IPC permissions for multi-user sharing (octal, default 0600)
    slave {
        pcm "hw:0,0"
        rate 48000
        period_time 80000
        buffer_time 320000
        period_size 4096
        buffer_size 16384
    bindings {
        0 0
        1 1
# 'dsp0' is espected by OSS emulation etc.
pcm.dsp0 {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "dmix0"
ctl.dsp0 {
    type hw
    card 0
pcm.!default {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "dmix0"
ctl.!default {
    type hw
    card 0

Sharing both input and output

pcm.card0 {
    type hw
    card 0
# mmap_emulation true
pcm.dmix0 {
    type dmix 
    ipc_key 34521 
    slave {
        pcm "card0" 
pcm.dsnoop0 {
    type dsnoop 
    ipc_key 34523
    slave {
        pcm "card0" 
pcm.asym0 {
    type asym 
    playback.pcm "dmix0" 
    capture.pcm "dsnoop0"
pcm.pasym0 {
    type plug 
    slave.pcm "asym0"
# 'dsp0' is espected by OSS emulation etc.
pcm.dsp0 {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "asym0"
ctl.dsp0 {
    type hw
    card 0
pcm.!default {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "asym0"
ctl.!default {
    type hw
    card 0

This defines a virtual ALSA PCM device called asym0. This device is capable of mixing several playback streams and sharing one capture stream amongst several applications. To get automatic samplerate conversion, etc, we defined the device pasym0 which uses alsa's plug plugin. Furthermore we defined a device called !default. This is equivalent to pasym0. The special name !default makes this device the default device for all well coded ALSA apps (sadly not too many are well coded). And last we defined a device called dsp0. This device is used by the aoss script from the alsa-oss package. First of all we test this basic setup with the standard ALSA aplay tool. You will need a .wav file for this test. If you have none, create one out of an MP3 with the following command:

mpg123 file.mp3 -w file.wav

With this .wav file we test the pasym0 device now:

aplay -D pasym0 file.wav

This should playback the .wav. Even if you run this command in a second terminal at the same time, because the pasym0 device does the mixing. Because we also defined the default alsa device !default to use asym0, you should also be able to run the command without the -D pasym0 parameter:

aplay file.wav

Not all apps honour the default device though. mplayer for example is one of them. To test this setup with mplayer use:

mplayer -ao alsa1x:pasym0 file.avi

So, now is the time to test all your desired alsa apps to work with this setup.

If some alsa apps behave badly with pasym0 (crackles, stutter), check the old DmixPlugin page. It has quite a bit of troubleshooting. Tips: look at the samplerates of the slave, maybe play with the period_size parameter, etc.; in particular many cards have limits on the period_size, usually to 4096 bytes. Some apps use mmap'ed audio data transfer. If your app complains about not being able to use mmap, then play around with the "mmap_emulation" setting in the "pcm.card0" definition.

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