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amidi is part of the alsa-utils package.


   Usage: amidi options

   -h, --help             this help
   -V, --version          print current version
   -l, --list-devices     list all hardware ports
   -L, --list-rawmidis    list all RawMIDI definitions
   -p, --port=name        select port by name
   -s, --send=file        send the contents of a (.syx) file
   -r, --receive=file     write received data into a file
   -S, --send-hex="..."   send hexadecimal bytes
   -d, --dump             print received data as hexadecimal bytes
   -t, --timeout=seconds  exits when no data has been received
                          for the specified duration
   -a, --active-sensing   don't ignore active sensing bytes

For further usage details, see...

   man amidi


Before using amidi, it is important to disconnect all ALSA MIDI connections of the port to be used. Then ask amidi for all available ports:

   amidi -l

   hw:2,0,0  MidiSport 8x8 MIDI 1
   hw:2,0,1  MidiSport 8x8 MIDI 2
   hw:2,0,2  MidiSport 8x8 MIDI 3
   hw:2,0,3  MidiSport 8x8 MIDI 4
   hw:2,0,4  MidiSport 8x8 MIDI 5
   hw:2,0,5  MidiSport 8x8 MIDI 6
   hw:2,0,6  MidiSport 8x8 MIDI 7
   hw:2,0,7  MidiSport 8x8 MIDI 8
   hw:2,0,8  MidiSport 8x8 Control^

\ Ensure you have disconnected the ports you like to use using aconnect or a graphical replacement like the ones found on AlsaMidiPatchbays.

\ You can send a sysex file to the port hw:2,0,3 of the example above by executing the following command:


   amidi -p hw:2,0,3 -s BankA-Singles.syx

You can send a manually entered sysex command by typing them as hexadecimal code:


   amidi -p hw:2,0,3 -S "F0 00 20 33 00 00 01 07 0F F0"

\ You can record incoming sysex data to the file Sysexdump.syx using the following command:

   amidi -p hw:2,0,3 -r Sysexdump.syx

Start the dump using the controls of your device. Press Ctrl - C as soon as the dump is completed.

\ You can also ask most devices to send the desired content using a sysex request command. To do so, open two shell windows. In the first one, tell amidi to record the incoming sysex data as shown in the example above:


   amidi -p hw:2,0,3 -r Sysexdump.syx

In the second one, tell amidi to send the desired sysex request. You can do so by sending the request manually...


   amidi -p hw:2,0,3 -S "F0 00 20 33 00 00 0F 01 10 F7"

or via sending a matching sysex file containing the matching command:

   amidi -p hw:2,0,3 -s RequestSingleBank.syx

\ After the transmission is completed, precc Ctrl - C in the first shell window.


Info from mailing lists

A snippet from the LAU mailing-list:

I'm trying to upgrade the software version of a Tascam DM-24 digital mixing consol using amidi. The command is: amidi -p ```hw:1,0,1``` --send=flash.mid

Answer: amidi does not support SMF .mid files. Use aplaymidi instead.

   #! /bin/bash
   # ========================================================
   # This script configures the 8 offline patchbay programs
   # of an m-audio Midisport 8x8. Copyright (c) March 2005 by
   # Christoph Eckert, [email protected]
   # This script is published in terms and conditions of the
   # Gnu General Public License (aka GPL).
   # The author published it in the hope it is useful for any
   # other, but without any warranty or any responsibility.
   # Use this script at your own risk.
   # ========================================================


   # Some variables:
   HEADER="F0 00 01 05 7F 00 00 04 00 01"

   # Some functions:
   function inputselect
       # Lets the user choose if he wants to define 
       # connections for one of the inputs
       for i in $(echo "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8"); do
           echo "Configure input $i?"
           echo ""
           read INOUTEDITYESNO
           if [ "$INOUTEDITYESNO" = "y" ]; then
               echo ""
               echo "Input $i won't be connected to any output."
               echo ""
               DATA="$DATA 00 00"
               # echo "DATA now reads as:"
               # echo "$DATA"
               echo ""

   function inputsconnect
   # Asks for the outputs the user wants to connect to the
   # chosen input, and writes them into the variable NIBBLE

       echo "Defining outputs for input $i."
       echo "Enter y to agree, anything else to skip."
       echo ""
       for j in $(echo "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8") ; do
           echo "In$i to out$j:"
           echo ""
           read INOUTCONNYESNO
           echo ""
           if [ "$INOUTCONNYESNO" = "y" ]; then
               NIBBLE="$NIBBLE 1"
               # echo "Input $i won't be connected to output $j."
               # echo ""
               NIBBLE="$NIBBLE 0"
           # echo "NIBBLE now reads as $NIBBLE"
           if [ $j = "4" ]; then
           if [ $j = "8" ]; then

   function convertnibble
   # reads the variable NIBBLE, converts it to
   # HEX and appends it to the variable DATA
   # echo "Converting nibble..."

       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 0 0 0 0" ]; then 
           DATA="$DATA 00"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 1 0 0 0" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 01"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 0 1 0 0" ] ;then
           DATA="$DATA 02"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 1 1 0 0" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 03"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 0 0 1 0" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 04"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 1 0 1 0" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 05"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 0 1 1 0" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 06"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 1 1 1 0" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 07"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 0 0 0 1" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 08"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 1 0 0 1" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 09"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 0 1 0 1" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 0A"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 1 1 0 1" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 0B"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 0 0 1 1" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 0C"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 0 1 1 1" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 0E"
       if [ "$NIBBLE" = " 1 1 1 1" ]; then
           DATA="$DATA 0F"
       # echo "DATA now reads as:"
       # echo "$DATA"
       echo ""

   # Script now starts

   echo ""
   echo ""

   if DEVICE=$(amidi -l | grep -i MidiSport | grep -i 8x8 | grep -i Control | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
       echo "The \"Midisport 8x8\" has been found as ALSA device \"$DEVICE\"."
       echo ""
       echo 'Sorry, but no Midisport 8x8 has been found.'
       echo ""
       echo "Please ensure that"
       echo ""
       echo "* the Midisport 8x8 is connected to the computer via the USB" 
       echo "* port and it is set to USB mode (see its front panel)"
       echo "* the module snd-usb-audio is loaded (type 'lsmod | cut -d \" \" -f 1 | grep -i snd_usb_audio')"
       echo "* the program fxloader is installed (as root, type 'which fxload' to see if it's installed)"
       echo "* you have installed the USB firmwareloader (see for details)"
       exit 1
       echo ""

   echo "The Midisport 8x8 contains 8 user definable patches."
   echo "Please enter 1 through 8 for the patch you want to setup:"
   echo ""

   echo ""
   echo "Patch $PATCHTOEDIT selected."
   echo ""
   echo "The Midisport 8x8 has eight MIDI inputs."
   echo "You will be asked for the inputs you want to connect."
   echo "Enter y to configure, anything else to skip one input."


   COMMAND="amidi -p $DEVICE  -S \"$SEND\""

   echo ""
   echo "The following command can now be sent to the Midisport:"
   echo ""
   echo "$COMMAND"
   echo ""
   echo "Sending it can cause severe damage of hard- and software as well."
   echo "If you know what you do, copy the above line and execute it."
   echo ""


Retrieved from ""

Category: Alsa-utils