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This is a seed page to encourage anyone to add any information about one of the most important linux based audio tools.
A LAU mailing-list user wanted to up-sample his 44.1Khtz session files
to 48Khtz and made these observations: I used Erik de Castro Lopo's
from However when I
started ardour again and played the song, at the beginning of each
inserted WAV the sound was muted (as if it was clipped). It is an ardour
problem because with
I checked that the files were perfectly upsampled. Finally, in ardour, I
had to trim some WAVS at the beginning and everything was solved. Weird
but it worked. Here is the script I executed in the "sounds" folder of
ardour's session to upsample my WAVS to 48k. Hope it is useful for
somebody. Warning: don't use it without making a copy of the ardour's
session first.
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "All wav files will be overwritten & upsampled at ${RATE}Hz"
echo "be careful. Press Enter to continue..."
for file in *.wav; do
echo "Upsampling to ${RATE}Hz $file..."
sndfile-resample -to $RATE "$file" "$file.tmp"
mv "$file.tmp" "$file"
JanDepner wrote on the LAU mailing-list:
Do you want to use multiband compression on a single track or on the mix? If you want to use it on the mix just run Ardour's master bus out to JAMin and then back into a new stereo track.
Speaking of jamin and compression, what are some good books that would teach a person what these tools are for? Preferably it would be more than a ProTools book and more of a general recording/mixing techniques book. I am brand new to the idea of recording so I am pretty lost when it comes to using any of this stuff for more than the very basics. I tried using some compression and noise gates in one of my recordings and just broke stuff. I don't understand things like "write,play,touch" in the menus so I can't really use any of it effectively.
I don't understand touch either ;-) To use the other two just set to 'write' mode, play the track, adjust gain/pan to taste, stop, set to 'play' mode, rewind and play. That's it. For effects, Harmony Central effects resources is a good place to start.
Reuben Martin added a comment about "touch":
It's just a different way of setting up automation. It's sort of like the "touch" command from the CLI. It inserts a control point at the current location without actually changing it's current value.
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