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I could not get 5.1 sound via USB audio working on Fedora Core 3 until I added this to .asoundrc. I would get errors from apps saying no way to convert 2 to 6 channels. Fedora Core 3 needed the part about surround51.

    type plug
    slave sl
    type hw
    card 0
pcm.ch51dup {
    type route
    slave.pcm surround51
    slave.channels 6
    ttable.0.0 1
    ttable.1.1 1
    ttable.0.2 1
    ttable.1.3 1
    ttable.0.4 0.5
    ttable.1.4 0.5
    ttable.0.5 0.5
    ttable.1.5 0.5
} {
    pcm "hw:0,0"
cards.pcm.surround51 {
    type plug
    slave sl


I installed FC3 from scratch and got no sound through my Audiophile 2496 card. I fixed this by running alsamixer from a terminal and settin the following:

IEC958   : H/W In 0
IEC958 M : 100%
IEC958 M : 100%
IEC958 I : PCM Out
DAC      : 100%
DAC 1    : 100%
Deemphasis  Off
H/W      : PCM Out
H/W 1    : PCM/Out

Xmms still wont play using my ALSA drivers though, I have to switch to OSS on the preferences. For xmms try to disable mmap mode.

Are you using the xmms-alsa output plugin ?

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