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Plug and Play: Hardware or software that, after being installed ("plugged in"), can immediately be used ("played with"), as opposed to hardware or software which requires configuration. (,

If you're unlucky, also known as Plug and Pray

Ok, but maybe there's another perspective, especially if the problem we are having (the LVCFK) with some Yamaha opl3sa2 cards on Vector Linux (2.5??) is at least partially due to Plug and Play.

Rather than writing any more here, I'll refer you to, which isn't necessarily correct. So, how would I rewrite this page if some of what I suspect is true? Maybe:

Plug and Play is an old (Microsoft/Intel) technology which allows cards to be configured in software instead of by the use of hardware jumpers.

The software to establish the settings can be:

Problems can arise.

One type of problem is when the software sets the resources (IRQ, I/O address, DMA channels, memory "window") to "unusual" settings that don't match the settings that the "normal" driver (or configuration utility) for a given card expects. (I think this is what's happening with respect to the Yamaha opl3sa2 sound card on computers that the LVCFK is rebuilding.)

In that case, I think there are two possible solutions:

Just for the record, I am duplicating a lot of this information on WikiLearn -- if it gets corrected here, I'll also correct it there.

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Category: Glossary